Calorie Quiz

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Test your Calorie I.Q. by choosing the snack from each group that you believe has the fewest calories.

At the Mall

  1. Soft serve vanilla/chocolate ice cream in a wafer cone (small serving)
  2. Strawberry Wild Jamba Juice (24 oz)
  3. Aunt Annie’s Pretzel (whole wheat without butter)
  4. Cinnabon ‐ MiniBon

At the Vending Machine

  1. Corn Nuts (1.7oz bag)
  2. Peanut M&Ms (1.7oz bag)
  3. Nature Valley Granola bars (2‐pack hard granola bars)
  4. Trail Mix (2.75oz bag)

At Starbucks ‐ all small servings with skim milk

  1. Pomegranate Frappuccino juice blend ‐ no whipped cream
  2. Coffee Frappuccino Light ‐ no whipped cream
  3. Iced vanilla skim latte ‐ no whipped cream

At the Movies

  1. Medium popcorn ‐ “no butter”
  2. Twizzlers (6oz bag)
  3. Chocolate Covered Raisins (3.5oz bag)

At Happy Hour (3 large handfuls of each)

  1. Bowl of mini pretzels
  2. Bowl of nuts
  3. Bowl of party mix